This post has migrated from my previous blog, because I really feel it’s important to include here. It was written November 22, 2012, about a month after my son was born. He’s my third child, but my first biological child, and my first experience with a newborn because I met my daughters when they were three and a half and five years old. This moment really shaped the person I am today, in fact the entire experience of pregnancy felt like my gateway to self-love. I so enjoy reading these kinds of reflections from parents, and I hope you can…
I am not ashamed to admit that I love winter, and that waking up to my field and forest covered in snow was a dream come true. Sharing My Story For several weeks now, I’ve spent my Tuesday mornings in a creative writing class, and I’ll say this is why I haven’t posted anything in such a long time. Most of my writing has been offline. I’ve been promising myself that I would invest more in this craft, and it was with great enthusiasm that I set out for my first class. I was surprised to find the room so…
Yesterday I completed one of those huge grown up tasks. I sat down with my loves to create a will. On Saturday I put the final signatures on my life insurance policy. Later today, I will draft my wishes for my memorial service and instructions about what to do with my remains. No, I’m not dying. At least no more than any of us are.
Our Canadian media has exploded with a scandal centered around a very talented radio personality named Jian Ghomeshi. I’ve been a huge fan of Jian’s work for years, he’s an elegant interviewer, and his interviews are so very well-researched. I love his show, “Q” and I was both proud and delighted to be his actual Facebook friend. I was stunned on Sunday as I watched events unfold surrounding his sexual scandal and termination from the CBC. I’ll freely admit that I’d placed this celebrity on a pedestal, and I’ve been star-struck by Jian for years. As the rumours started to…
Yesterday my son turned two. I spent the day battling an incredibly high fever, and so I could do little else but lay on the couch and watch him play with the beautiful gifts he received the day before. His birthday has been an epic affair for the last two years, because its fallen on Thanksgiving weekend, and so we’ve piggy-backed his party onto our gigantic family potluck celebration. I’m worried we’re setting unrealistically high expectations for him – most kids are happy with birthday pizza. Fortunately the fever kicked in towards the end of the festivities on Sunday, I…