When I get excited about something, it’s remarkably easy to focus and make great forward progress. I can work so efficiently I surprise myself, and things really get done. But then…then…how do you keep that spark alive? Keeping up momentum is one of the greatest challenges I face. The result of that fizzle is a string of uncompleted projects, jobs that are half done, drawers that are half organized. I look around and I’m adrift in a sea of disarray. I feel overwhelmed by all that is left to do, and I just can’t seem to get on top of…
Some of you know us well enough to know that up until very recently, we were pretty die-hard city mice. One of the toughest parts of our decision to leave city life behind was leaving our beloved Waldorf school. Our whole family loved the place and I was so looking forward to sending Noah there too when the time was right. We weren’t able to find any favorable alternatives to public school when we moved to the country in July of 2013. This is why we decided to home school our kids until a better solution presented itself, or until…
Just when I thought that WE were the coolest parents in the world, I discover this via Upworthy I wanted to badly to post a comment telling Jazz’s whole family, especially her, how absolutely amazing I think they all are. I didn’t bother to add a comment on You Tube because of the epic number of stupid people who hide behind the Internet to spew hate and ignorance. Here’s hoping that my post might find it’s way back to this family. To me, this is what family should be – you stick by each other with love and support as you…
Hello out there. I’ve spent the better part of today steam cleaning a vomit swamp out of the broad loom in my daughters’ bedroom, and three of the six of us have fallen victim to some mysterious projectile-puke inducing evil. I was going to write something pithy for you today, but when I finally sat down to crack open the computer, little Noodle crawled up into my lap, fished out a boob and passed out cold, thereby trapping me where I was until he reached a state of deep sleep. I sat there, staring out the back patio door at…
First Kisses, Beautiful Ladies, Heart-Wrenching Tributes and Happy Families Happy Monday, Lovers! And Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all of my Irish friends, especially my LBGTQ Irish pals. I’m coming down off the high of what I’m calling ‘Toddlerpalooza”. Two of our favourite families joined us for a weekend of boisterous little-boy fun. It’s also been a slow start back to school (homeschool, that is) post March Break. My week is shaped by many variables, but here are the online snippets that spoke loudest to me last week. Grab a whiskey or a gay-friendly beer and enjoy! First Kiss by…