Live a Life of Passion
This collection of posts is devoted to passionate living with real, practical tips for injecting passion into every corner of your life. I believe we can’t be truly passionate about anything unless we are passionate about ourselves. In addition to some excellent ways to find more passion into your health, wellness, and spiritual centers, there are all kinds of ways to explore creativity and to transform your home into the passionate temple you deserve. Can’t find something? Try the search option in the sidebar.

There are days when all the walking in the woods doesn’t clear me of the desire to scream at the top of my […]

I’m not convinced it was supposed to go down like this.
When we met, I felt like I was pulled into his orbit […]
My Name, In Lights

I shouldn’t have agreed to go.
To the couples’ therapy session we’d waited a month for, I mean. A month that felt like years. […]
Pandemic Fall

This is exactly how a Sunday morning should feel; I’m sitting in bed in the warm glow of the bedside lamp, and the […]
Another Post About Heartache

You may be inclined to think this is a cry for help. It’s not. I wrote it so you know you’re not alone […]
The Crow Herald

It’s been just over a week since I asked him to leave. At the new moon last Tuesday, I committed to transparency. To […]