Live a Life of Passion
This collection of posts is devoted to passionate living with real, practical tips for injecting passion into every corner of your life. I believe we can’t be truly passionate about anything unless we are passionate about ourselves. In addition to some excellent ways to find more passion into your health, wellness, and spiritual centers, there are all kinds of ways to explore creativity and to transform your home into the passionate temple you deserve. Can’t find something? Try the search option in the sidebar.
A Kind of Half Sleep

It’s Sunday morning. I wake up slowly, and the apartment is warm and full of birdsong. My big male cat, Taku, is doing […]
Pandemic Saturday
The sun is determined to shine here today, even though the temperature has barely made the double digits. It’s not quite noon, I’m in sweatpants and my hair is still damp. I was […]

As I’m building my journal therapy practice, a big part of […]

People keep asking me if I’m okay.
It’s a yes and no answer because ultimately, I know I will emerge intact, and I […]

It’s the full moon. The first of two in the month of October. My friend Jenny Arndt tells me that this moon is […]