Sex Ed

Autumn Reflections

I suppose it’s strange that with the first dusting of snow on the ground, I am writing about Autumn, but here in the north, we often lose track of the seasons as one seems to slip into the next. The Winter Solstice, or first day of winter, doesn’t happen until December 22nd, so we have another full month of fall before us. In order to savor the last days of my favorite season, I wanted to make some space today for some Autumn reflections. […]

By |November 24th, 2015|Everyday Rituals|0 Comments

Begin Your Passionate Journey

You’re not here because you’re trying to buy shoes, right? If you’re reading this, you’re just like me and you want to fill your life with fire, and a deeper sense of purpose. You want more meaning, and excitement, and you can feel this need growing each and every day, but where do you start? How can you begin your passionate journey? […]

By |November 19th, 2015|Find Your Passion|1 Comment

Boost Your Energy Naturally

Here’s something I’ve learned; our ability to access our passion is tied directly to our ability to care for ourselves. This year, I’ve made it a focus to try to take better care of myself, in every way. More loving, compassionate thoughts, more exercise, better nutrition. A direct result of these efforts has been a remarkable increase in energy, something that any passionate parent is desperate for. The effects of better eating are so extreme that I notice an almost immediate difference when I slip back into my old ways. I get irritable, exhausted, and unmotivated. Today, I’ve enlisted the help of one of my expert Club Members, holistic nutritionist extraordinaire Jackie McCaffrey. Read our Q&A below and learn how you can boost your energy naturally. […]

By |November 17th, 2015|Health and Fitness|0 Comments

Reflections on Moving

June 27th, 2013 On Tuesday evening I drove away from our Toronto home for the last time. I peered over the tower of laundry that kept Noodle and I company in the back seat and felt such a strange mixture of wistfulness and excitement. The city will always be in my blood, but I’m excited to leave it and move on to new and exciting things that await under the canopy of green in the country. […]

By |November 15th, 2015|My Diary|0 Comments

By |November 15th, 2015|Uncategorized|0 Comments

By |November 15th, 2015|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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