Sex Ed

Do You Need More Passion In Your Life?

Mindfulness, Wellness, Simplicity, Authenticity, Abundance, Presence, Creativity…these are the buzz words we hear bandied about when we seek to make our lives richer. It feels like so many different directions, so many ideals demanding our energy. What if all of these things fell beautifully under one umbrella that we seldom ever give ourselves permission to think about? What if one word could encompass all of those wonderful buzz words? I believe that word is Passion. If you tune your mind and heart to all the ways you need more passion in your life, you will automatically start to give these great ideals the attention they deserve. […]

By |November 5th, 2015|Find Your Passion|0 Comments

What Is Passion?

If you’re reading this, it’s likely because you’re starting to get the feeling that you need a little more passion in your life. Maybe you have some idea of where your passions lie, and you’re hoping to rekindle those fires. Maybe you have no idea where to begin finding passion. Regardless of where you are at in your passionate journey one thing is true; before we can begin to find passion, we need to understand exactly what it is. What is passion? The word itself brings to mind furious artistic intensity, incredibly hot sex, or world-saving heroics. How can any of us average folk live a life filled with passion? […]

By |November 3rd, 2015|Find Your Passion|0 Comments

Sexy Role Play Scenarios

Full Disclosure: This post is one of several sexy role play scenarios,  written in the spirit of adding some playfulness and passion to the bedroom. I thought of it while watching that hilarious episode of Modern Family where Clair and Phil go to a hotel bar and pretend they’re meeting for the first time. It’s a very detailed script complete with hair and makeup video tutorials and (affiliate) links in case you want to buy some of the props and products suggested. Enjoy! […]

By |November 2nd, 2015|Sexy Stuff|0 Comments

I’m on Periscope!

Hey friends! Just wanted to crawl out from under the pile of work that is my blog and book launch and say I'm on Periscope! I'd like to connect with you there. What the hell is Periscope you ask? Well, it's a new social media platform that allows users to [...]

By |October 19th, 2015|Uncategorized|0 Comments

How to Call Yourself An Artist

One of the hardest struggles I’ve faced in my professional life was having the courage to call myself an artist. I spent many years surrounding myself with artists, working for artists, and pursuing romantic relationships with artists, yet all the while, I felt like I was too scared to claim the title for myself. When I finally took the first tentative steps towards standing tall in my own artsy shoes, I realized that all along, I was looking to others for the very thing I needed to embrace in myself. […]

By |October 1st, 2015|Find Your Passion|0 Comments

Let’s Be More than Pretty

Wow crazy blood moon lunar eclipse, I don't know if it's cause I've got my moon flower (aka red tent time, aka hide me in a cave and leave me the hell alone) but I am awash in some kind of insane explosion of creativity. I can barely sleep, and [...]

By |September 29th, 2015|My Diary|0 Comments

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