Sex Ed

Mommy’s To-Do List – Week of June 17

Ayla's Neon Toes Weekend Highlights My favorite moments of this weekend are split evenly between events on both Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday we spent a wonderful day being spoiled by Mama S’ mom, the kids’ Nana. She took us mamas and The Noodle out for lunch in [...]

By |June 17th, 2013|Uncategorized|1 Comment

Happy Father’s Day!

Dear Readers, My children have the best father in the world, and today I want to share exactly how awesome our Nekky is. He's the perfect blend of playful and firm. He leads with a fun-loving foot, and is quick to guide and teach with patience and love. Seeing the [...]

By |June 16th, 2013|Uncategorized|1 Comment

Moving Survival Kit

I'm hiding behind these to write. It looks like I'm packing! This week we were consumed with wrapping up school and packing up the juggernaut that is our kitchen. Both of these tasks have made me cry. I’m feeling very sad to leave our lovely, warm Waldorf community, [...]

By |June 15th, 2013|Uncategorized|0 Comments

A Plastic Hunk of Anguish

Last night the girls had their first-ever piano recital. We enrolled them in lessons back in February, and every Thursday a lovely Hungarian woman comes to our house and works with each of the girls for half an hour. Both girls seem to really enjoy their lessons, but Hannah has [...]

By |June 13th, 2013|Uncategorized|6 Comments

Why I Love Waldorf

Yesterday our family headed way, way up Bathurst Street to the Toronto Waldorf school where we took part in a ceremony with both the grade three class from our school (of ten kids) and their grade three class of thirty! Our kids had the opportunity to visit their northern [...]

By |June 12th, 2013|Uncategorized|5 Comments

Sowing Our Seeds

A week ago we planted our vegetable garden at the Niagara house. I’d started some seeds earlier in the week, and they’d sprouted just as we were heading out-of-town, but of course there was still much work to do on our beds before we could put the little plants into [...]

By |June 11th, 2013|Uncategorized|2 Comments

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