Sex Ed

Embrace Tiger, Return to Mountain

Despite this clear, sunny, temperate day I feel very small and very uncertain. Yes, I look forward to starting rehearsals tonight for our Valentine's day extravaganza. True I have lots of exciting professional stuff going on. Overall, I have lots to feel humble about. Brain and gut are tapping me [...]

By |January 10th, 2010|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Love letter to a lady

Darling bright-eyed woman, Have you made any resolutions yet at the start of this new year? If you have not, may I suggest something to you? I watch you every day. I see how much you give of yourself to everyone around you, tirelessly it seems, and I [...]

By |January 8th, 2010|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Reading, Writing…

I have a couple more resolutions. I hope you will permit me this sounding board. In 2010 I want to read more, and I want to write more, and I want to create a special place where both of those things can happen. Right now, I'm tucked away on a [...]

By |January 3rd, 2010|Uncategorized|2 Comments

Kinder, gentler

If I don't include the horrible way I've been eating over the holidays, I've made some pretty excellent changes in the kinds of things that I eat, and was doing really well with going to the gym fairly regularly. This is a slippery slope for me, because it [...]

By |December 29th, 2009|Uncategorized|4 Comments

Face Value

As cliche as this sounds, with New Year's Eve approaching, I'm thinking about resolutions for the coming year. I'm proud to say that I'm generally good about sticking to the ones I make, and I think that this is because I really try to give them some thought. One of [...]

By |December 28th, 2009|Uncategorized|1 Comment

On Faith

Christmas day. Last year, I made a silent wish that in a year's time I would be sharing the holidays with someone I love. That wish came true, but I find myself unable to completely immerse myself in the joy of such a thing without worrying that I won't have [...]

By |December 26th, 2009|Uncategorized|1 Comment

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