Talking to Your Kids About Sex
When my eldest daughter was seven, an incident at a parent/teacher evening inspired today's post. In a Q&A session, one of the parents asked about the school's approach to sex education because her daughter had begun asking questions. As some of you know, we were in a Waldorf school, which [...]
Last night I was feeling a bit out of sorts, likely normal settling-in feelings, but I remarked that I felt like we were on the most boring vacation ever. I have the most wonderful sense of general relaxation here in the country, but also that feeling of unfamiliar territory that [...]
Ask Mommy
Dear Mommy, I have two unrelated questions I have often wondered, so I figure I might as well ask: 1. Was Paris worth it? I get why the urge would be there considering how uprooted you were at the time. Was it a 'I found myself' trip that you [...]
Mommy’s To-Do List – Week of July 2nd
Chacha and the Noodle build a grill gazebo Weekend Highlights Saturday night was date night with Mama S, and it’s the first time we’ve been out together in a very long while. I was nervous! We drove to Toronto and loaded the last bit of stuff from our [...]
The Landing Page
Three days after our moving date, we’ve completely moved in. The contents of our four bedroom house in the city would not fit in the 26’ moving truck we hired, so Daddy and Chacha had to make several trips back and forth with our van to complete the job. What [...]