The Other Side of Pregnant
We're at the Niagara house as I write this, and I love this place. It's gray and misty today and the back forty looks like a painting with the tall grasses a rich palette of umber and golden. I'm watching my family pass around little Noah who is snoozing peacefully [...]
Breastfeeding Sucks
Noah shares his thoughts on the breastfeeding experience thus far. The following post is a detailed account of my initial experiences with breastfeeding. Skip this if you’re squeamish. Glossary (for the non-baby-having readers) Nipple: The little nub at the end of a breast. Usually two, in my case [...]
Birth Story, Part Two
My last post (read it here) left off just before I demanded that we make our way to the hospital instead of continuing to labour at home... For nine months my heart had imagined a spiritual birth where I was at one with my body. Now that labour was here, [...]
16 Days
A Little Tin of Chocolate I began writing this blog in 2008, fresh after a breakup from a very complicated relationship, and filled with excitement because I was about to embark on a solo vacation to Paris. Life felt pretty huge and terrifying then. I was raw with emotion, and [...]
20 Days
My feet, or what I'm now calling my 'Frodo Bagginses'. Cervix Says… What a unique and complex challenge this third trimester business is. Not only are the physical challenges quite remarkable, but the mind warp of hitting 37 weeks is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. Pregnancy is a [...]