Adventures in Freedom, Day One
A day in the life of a mother and wife who finds herself suddenly without responsibility. The crew got off without a hitch late yesterday afternoon, and then I had a good cry. I nearly lost it when our seven-year-old held on to me so tight and her [...]
It’s Gonna Take A Lot To Take Me Away From You
Have you ever remained in denial about a thing until it was right there staring you in the face? Of course then what happens is that all of the feelings and fears you refused to acknowledge are there en mass, and there's no pretending anymore. I'm folding tiny [...]
Dear Friends
You are really and truly amazing and important to me. In many ways, I think of you as the family I have chosen, and I hope that you share that sentiment with me. My home is always open to you, as is my heart, and when I love people there [...]
Set Yourself Free
I saw this on the weekend. I've decided to watch it once every day until it really sinks in.
Red Rainboots Help a Little
The dream is almost exactly the same every night. Even if the setting varies. Even if the faces change. Even if my new pet bunny somehow works her way into the dream scape, like she did last night. For the last three weeks or so, I've had the same dream: [...]
The Wild Geese
"You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves. Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine. [...]