Ten O’Clock is My New Bedtime
I am a lion, born under the sign of Leo. Not only am I a lion, but I am also a fire dragon, if you consult my Chinese astrological sign. However, at this particular moment, there is a three-and-a-half year old ram singing away in the bathtub who [...]
Actually, It’s Pronounced “th”.
Ok, if you weren't already peuce with jealousy... Tomorrow I'm getting on a plane mid-day, falling asleep, and then more or less waking up in Barcelona. Once in Barcelona, my partners and I will check into a very sexy boutique hotel, unleash ourselves on the city over the weekend, then [...]
The Tribal Council
Nearly twice a week the adult members of my tribe, usually at that quiet time once the kids are finally asleep, sit down sleepily with a nightcap in hand and our latest Genius list to amuse and delight our ears. Inevitably, especially after a series of really good days, a [...]
The Falling Game
Last week, my partners and I made our first "out" outing. We went to a baseball game, which I suppose is all full of outs, and innings. And switch hitters, and home runs. Anyway, I digress... My girl was playing, and her whole team seemed to be "in the know" [...]
Poly. Want a Cracker?
Fiesta Party Pack - Best Served With Tequila Last night was one of the most lovely, multi-layered social gatherings I've ever been a part of. A backyard concert, gypsy jazz style, with delicious treats to pass around and lots of family and familiar faces. And lots of first-time [...]