The Journal Project

The Journaling Project

I’ve been keeping journals ever since I was 8 years old. I’ve done this fervently and with great regularity, and I’ve done this sporadically and only when I’m at my absolutely lowest. This blog has been a journal for me of sorts, and through it I’ve worked through some monumental moments of my life. One thing that has always kept me writing here is the beautiful feedback from readers who say they were grateful to be able to relate to the various things I’ve written. It means so much to know I’m not alone, and that I’ve helped shed a little light into other people’s lives. Today, as our Inspired Monday post, I’m giving you something very new and special that I’m going to call The Journal Project.

Each day, I will invite you to journal with me. I’ll post a ‘starter’ or a suggested topic, and then I’ll write my own entry. You can use the form below each post to send me yours, and I will publish it anonymously. If you don’t want to share here, then you can use the starter to inspire an entry in a journal of your own creation, be it digital or physical, written word or visual art.  In coming days, I hope to include some downloadable, printable journal pages that are so pretty you’ll be inspired to create.

I’d like to encourage you to share with us here because it’s been incredibly rewarding for me, and I think you’ll feel the same. The big wide world isn’t really so big, and it’s this beautiful connectedness that really keeps us filled with light. If we can build a little community here, wouldn’t we be so proud of ourselves?

I’ll be watching for nasty comments, and other negative stuff so I promise to always keep this Journal Project a safe space for sharing.

Starters and inspiration for The Journal Project will live under the Mommy’s Diary category. If I post something else on a given day, you can look forward to two posts from me.

Are you ready? Here we go!



1. The Jumping Off Point

Why is keeping a journal something that feels important to you right now?

My life is in a place of huge transition, and I can’t see where I’m heading. I’m trying in vain to stay “in the moment” and be grateful for everything that I have in my present tense, instead of being discouraged and preoccupied with the impossible-to-imagine future. I want to use my journaling to meditate on thankfulness and staying present in the now.


What has prevented you from journaling in the past?

Time is the great destroyer of all of my good creative intentions, or at least the way I manage time seems to get in the way. I need to carve out space for my own creativity, because I feel so much more at peace, and more myself when I am able to occupy some of my day with creating – be it writing or other creative endeavours.


What are three things from last week that you would like to avoid this week?

1. Though I had a lovely time with lots of different family, I’d like to be sure to spend more time on things for my own pleasure. 

2. I’m going to embrace my PMS and self-medicate with chocolate to avoid any crankiness that might be directed towards my loved ones. I will balance this with daily yoga.

3. I’d like to ride my bike! Perhaps someone will help me install the baby’s seat on my bike so we can have a family ride!


Now It’s Your Turn!



 Reader Entries


I’m keeping a journal because I want to start writing things down so my kids have something to look back on when they are grown up.

I haven’t had much luck with journal writing in the past because I usually think that everything I write is lousy.

Three things from last week that I’d like to avoid:

1. Unexpected car expenses (thanks to the jerk who hit me in the parking lot of the grocery store and didn’t bother to leave a note).

2. Make more quiet time for myself.

3. Try to eat better. With three family functions in one week, there were too many temptations to stay on track.


By D. from Burlington, On




I wish I would started journaling when I was younger.  Now that my kids are grown and I now have a grandson, it seems to be more important than ever to start writing so that when I am no longer here my little one will know more about me and my life as a mom.


I did start journaling several years ago but for some reason when I sit down with pen and journal the words just do not flow like I would like them to. I am told that does not matter.Just write what you are thinking and doing.


1. I would like to avoid eating too many ginger cookies at lunchtime.


2. I would love it if my husband brought dinner to me for a change. I have been doing it now for 43 years and don’t ever remember him cooking for me.


3.I would like to get out every morning and go for a fast walk either outside if weather is nice or go to the Mall and do a few rounds.


By ML, from Winona, ON


Natural Spring Pampering

Isn’t it amusing how our Canadian spring always goes from winter to summer with no real in between? The tragic result of this dramatic shift is beautiful weather that gives me ZERO desire to spend any time indoors cleaning out the winter grime. Thank the gods for rainy days, or I swear I’d do nothing at all. Okay, truthfully, on the rainy days I’d rather focus on natural spring pampering than on house work.

Today I have an exciting new treat for you. I’m happy to tell you that Playboy Mommy has our first official sponsor, Holy Taste, a Canadian company specializing in organic health foods, supplements and natural cleaning products.  Holy Taste is partnering with us to bring you some of the best items they have on offer, and I’ll give you the real scoop on how these products perform.

We’re going to get things rolling with this beautiful bundle that I hand selected from the Holy Taste website of a collection of products sure to help you feel fresh, inspired, and invigorated – everything you need to tackle your spring projects!


The Holy Taste Spring Pampering Bundle consists of the following delightful treats:

Righteously Raw Caramel Cacao Bar – This is an experience in chocolate that is not for the faint-of-heart. If you’re a die hard chocolate lover like me, you’ll appreciate the incredible richness of this 90% dark chocolate, lucuma and date bar. It’s delicious and it’s an incredible source of anti-oxidants. A couple of squares was all it took to power me through a particularly challenging day with the munchkins. If super dark chocolate isn’t your bag, consider gifting this to the chocolate lover in your life, because we all know at least one.

Devas Vanilla Body Lotion – This line of beautiful, natural beauty products is handmade in Quebec from ingredients sourced from the company’s own organic farm. Sometimes I lock myself in the bathroom (because that’s what you do when you are at home full time with three kids) and rub this on my feet and hands. It makes me so happy that I want to cry.

Devas Grapefruit & Bergamot Bubble Bath – As I’m typing this, I’m realizing that I’ve only used this product as a shower gel thus far. Clearly I need to schedule some time for the full on bubble bath experience. These days, I only get in the tub with a rambunctious toddler, which isn’t exactly the soothing and rejuvenating experience I crave. This light, fresh, clean scent is mild, and my dry skin seems to find it quite agreeable.

NutriDeo Frankincense Natural Deodorant – My quest to find an effective, clean natural deodorant has finally ended. I’ve tried powders with some success, but they are so messy. I’m so glad to have found NutriDeo, and I love this slightly musky scent. It’s gentle on my skin, and the fragrance is subtle. FYI, natural deodorants last about 18-24 hours and you have to apply them generously. It took me a while to find one that worked with my particular body chemistry. I don’t sweat a lot, but I guess I’m particularly pungent. You’re welcome for the extreme over-share. NutriDeo works, and now I want to try the other scents too!

Aangen Yogi Tea  This unique ayurvedic tea infusion claims to be “perfect to energize your body any time of the day, especially in the morning or before engaging in any physical exercise.” It was created in partnership with one of Toronto’s leading Ayurvedic doctors to ensure that it is perfectly balanced according to Ayurvedic medicine, which I’m becoming more and more fascinated by.  This tea is also designed to help detox, boost the immune system, aid in concentration, and increase warmth. I haven’t yet swapped it out for my daily morning coffee, but it is a wonderful sipping experience, and it does give me a nice little nudge right around the 3pm slump.

Holy Taste is offering the Spring Pampering Bundle for a limited time to Playboy Mommy readers for $49.99. Plus, Holy Taste is offering an additional 15% discount with the code 110513Holy.

[standout-css3-button href=""]Get the Bundle![/standout-css3-button]




Non-Religious Ceremonies for Life Events

non-religious ceremoniesI’ve been toying with an idea for a couple of years now, and on Friday I was inspired to put that idea into motion, to see where it will take me. I’ve been thinking a lot about non-religious ceremonies.

My life’s journey has taken me through a broad spectrum of human experience, and I’ve often wondered how I can use the talents and the wisdom I am cultivating to give back in some way.

This weekend I had the pleasure of attending the wedding of two very special people. Penny and La-nai are very obviously in love, and very obviously committed to each other. They chose to make their bond official before moving away to Vietnam, and their small and very personal wedding was one of the best I’ve ever attended. It seemed like such an authentic reflection of these two fierce women.

How proud I am to live in a country where any couple can publicly, legally and officially dedicate their lives to one another! The officiant at Penny and La-nai’s wedding was soft spoken and adorable, but his words, more than anything else, really spoke to me. The service was about equality and individuality. He was a Humanist, and I’ve long since wondered about this non-secular movement. After a little digging, it turns out that my spiritual beliefs have a home.

Secular Humanism can be defined as follows (thanks Wiki):

The philosophy or life stance of secular humanism (alternatively known by some adherents as Humanism, specifically with a capital H to distinguish it from other forms of humanism) embraces human reason, ethics, and philosophical naturalism, while specifically rejecting religious dogma, supernaturalism, pseudoscience or superstition as the basis of morality and decision making.

The Universalist Unitarian Church is linked to the Humanist movement, and my favourite definition of this organization thus far is “a post-Christian liberal religion categorized by a free and responsible search for truth and meaning”. Basically, anything goes so long as you follow the Golden Rule (do unto others as you would have done to you) and anyone from any religious or non-religious background is welcome through their doors.

I dragged Nekky and the kids along to a Sunday service at the Unitarian Congregation of Niagara to see what they were all about. The place was warm and intimate, and there were about 40 members there to celebrate their annual Flower Communion, where each member of the congregation was invited to select a flower donated by the other members. I found the service warm and engaging, uplifting and inspiring. Nothing had overtly religious overtones – the common theme was sharing the human experience. The girls found it really interesting and Hannah in particular was delighted that several members of the congregation knew the life and work of the Aga Khan. My highlight was when the service leader noted that poet Mary Oliver was like the voice of Unitarianism. I’ve loved her work since learning of her from a friend. I won’t likely frequent that particular congregation because there was possibly only one other member under the age of 50, and I’d like to join a community that is a little more reflective of my personal experience. I’m hoping to find a better fit in Hamilton, where the next closest congregation exists.

I’m delving deeply into these movements and organizations because I think I’d like to get ordained and perform life passages, rituals, and ceremonies for people to commemorate, honour and celebrate their life’s great transitions. I feel like I’d be really great at this, and it would be such an honour to serve that way. I already have a billion ideas of how to incorporate the world’s great traditions and customs into personal ceremonies.

I’ve really missed the community and communion of gathering together in a spiritual context. I have varied and mixed ideas about spirit and the universe and I’m kind of thrilled to find what seems like a place where I can explore those ideas, and celebrate my human experience in an open and inclusive atmosphere, together with my family if they are so inclined. I love the Ismaili Muslim faith that we are raising the kids with, but I think it’s a tragedy that non-Ismaili family members can’t join in prayer. Conversion has never really been an option for me, because I wouldn’t feel right converting to a faith unless I could really absorb all of  the key tenants therein. This also includes returning to my previous Christian roots. I also made a personal commitment to stay away from organized religion, unless they have specifically mandated inclusiveness and acceptance of all congregation members regardless of race, gender orientation or sexual preference. I think these inclusions cannot be subtle in this day and age. Openness and acceptance in religious institutions must be shouted from the rafters.

Everyone deserves to experience spirituality within a community context. Each of us deserves ritual, rite of passage, and ceremony if that is what our soul is craving. I believe the human spirit that unites us all is as valid as the god of my childhood. I believe they are one and the same.


Your Inspired Monday

The week is starting, and you’re coming off of whatever good or evil you got up to on the weekend. Coast into the week with a little bit of Internet greatness, courtesy of me and this new weekly feature that I’mna call “Your Inspired Monday”.


inspired monday

Cook Something

I want to make every single thing here. This is a kick ass collection of recipes (courtesy of Buzzfeed) featuring ingredients locally available during the month of June. I’ll start with the cherry beer margaritas and see where that takes me.

Deliciousness here.


inspired mondays

“I saw a drummer in Central Park give his sticks to a little kid, so that he could have a try. Ten minutes later, this was happening…”


Beautiful Humans

You’re going to see a theme here this week. I need to restore my faith, and my faith in humanity in particular. It’s happening a little at a time, as I reach to the Universe for the truth I need about mankind and fellowship. Today, this gem came to me, late as usual, via Facebook. incidentally, this Facebook Page also restored my faith in Facebook. Ten seconds on this page made me laugh, cry, hope, and love and no, I’m not pre-menstrual. The concept is simple – a portrait, and a single quote from the subject. The results are spectacular.

Witness the magic of Humans of New York here.



I Love You Laura Bates

Laura Bates, founder of the amazing online Everyday Sexism Project has lots to say about how our children need to be properly educated about sex and sexuality in order to properly protect themselves from predators or sexist pigs. I consider myself pretty forward-thinking when it comes to teaching my kids about sex, but I learned about some serious deficits where my own approach was concerned – namely teaching my kids about porn before some punk-ass kid with a smart phone gets to be the first to do that. It’s going to be a long ass time before we get our schools to reform and improve sex education, but meanwhile there’s so much we can, and should, do at home. If you don’t teach your kids about sex, someone else will.

Read this through-provoking article from the Telegraph.


inspired mondays


Global Renaissance Woman

If you skip over everything else in this post, visit only these links and you’ll find all the inspiration you’ll need for a lifetime. Most people know Dr. Maya Angelou because of her incredible writing, but how many of you realize how astonishing her life story is? Check out her Wiki page, and then do yourselves a favour (particularly you women readers) and get your hands on a copy of ‘I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.’

Learn more about this Phenomenal Woman on the Wiki page and on Dr. Angelou’s website.




Throw Out Those Goddamned Jeans

You know you have a pair. They either used to fit you perfectly, before life had it’s way with you and changed your shape and size, or they never quite fit, but oh how you wish they did. I’m telling you now, get rid of them. Throw out those goddamned jeans.

And while you’re at it, get rid of that cocktail dress, that tiny bikini, and anything else that you believe is a motivating factor in your health and wellness plan. It’s bullshit of the highest order, and it’s the same kind of bullshit that the media is choking us with every single day. The kind that teaches us to loathe ourselves so we’ll buy more crap that will make us better. Crap can’t make us better, friends.

The next time you have cash to spare, buy yourself something pretty (clothes, not shoes) that fits you right now, and keep on keeping on. Your reward for caring more about your health and fitness should be longevity and feeling better, and if you happen to change sizes along the way, by all means buy clothes that fit you well, but don’t under any circumstances buy into the twisted lie that you only deserve to look attractive or fashionable if you could “just be a size…whatever.”

If you are truly stylish, you should be able to pull off colour and drama and interesting tailoring no mater what size you are. If your clothes don’t fit, get rid of them. If you don’t think you can wear something until you’re a different size, you probably can’t because you won’t have the confidence to rock whatever that particular article happens to be.

Keep on the path to increased physical activity, less sugar and starch, more vegetables, less red meat and pre-packaged foods. You deserve great health, even more than you deserve pretty things to wear. Keep motivated by appreciating the increased energy you have to spend on the activities and experiences you truly love.

You stayed within your calorie count three out of five days so far this week, you got up early and exercised twice, you drank lots of water every day, but then on a lark you tried to wear those stiff-ass jeggings that claim to have lycra (lies) and by three o’clock the clasp exploded open and you cried for ten minutes in the bathroom stall at Costco. All that hard work, and you still can’t squeeze yourself into the jeans. Take a breather sister and ask yourself “Who’s the real enemy here?” Is it your baby belly, the last vestiges of your body’s miracle of creating life, or is it those goddamned, painted on size whatever jeans that can only be a size whatever in a country where people can’t count?

You know I’m right. Untuck your shirt, let the belly hang out, and find something that fits your fine ass properly. You will never  succeed if you keep knocking yourself down.