Can We Meet for Coffee?
Get a cup of something warm before you sit down to read this.
I’ve been meaning to write. For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been staring at the mockery of my barely-touched bullet journal thinking, […]
No Mo November (On Surviving a Shitty Month)
I thought I was dying this November.
I realize that’s a dramatic statement, but when you’ve been around cancer as much as I have, the slightest ailment is a cause for panic. I was EXHAUSTED, so […]
Postcards From Vegas
The airplane window is cool against my forehead. I know the vast expanse of black below is the desert and I wish it were light outside so I could see it. The inky void gives […]
Total Eclipse
I’m having one of those forget-to-pack-your-underwear, take-the-wrong-keys, leave-your-cell-phone-at-a-coffee-shop kind of weeks.
I suppose it’s okay, because all of the heavy-duty brain power was required on Monday and Tuesday. What’s not okay is how badly I want […]