Sex Ed

On Skeletons and Conjuring

I'm on the precipice of November, a month that I have a long-standing difficult relationship with. But this year, I'm determined not to let November take me down. This precipice happens to exist on my favourite holiday. A most sacred day for those of us with pagan sensibilities. Halloween, or [...]

By |October 31st, 2018|Uncategorized|Comments Off on On Skeletons and Conjuring

Celebrating You

Six years of amazing you in my life. Six years of your smiles, your clever jokes, your lightning-fast brain. Six years of knowing you're the single greatest blessing in my life. That the very best parts of me made you. Oh, my sweet son, I never wanted to raise you [...]

By |October 15th, 2018|My Diary, Parenting|Comments Off on Celebrating You

Monday Rainfall

I'm stealing a few quiet moments this morning. There's a steady drip of rain on the windowsill and the sunrise turns the sky to a milky gray, clouds heavy over the tops of the trees in the ravine. The leaves are slowly starting shift from verdant green to hues of [...]

By |October 1st, 2018|Grief and Heartbreak, My Diary|Comments Off on Monday Rainfall

The Love I Want

I've been tucked away in a gorgeous lakefront home in South Frontenac since Tuesday night, on a writing retreat with three dear friends and colleagues who inspire me each week with their talent and tenacity. This space I've created for myself has given me room to tackle a couple of [...]

By |September 21st, 2018|Grief and Heartbreak, My Diary|0 Comments

The Skin I’m In

Last night I dreamt that I was walking through a field and I came upon the enormous, shed skin of a python. According to the Internet, this means I am being reborn into something more suited to my growth. I miss my family. The moments together, just being. A table [...]

By |September 20th, 2018|Grief and Heartbreak, My Diary, Parenting|0 Comments

The Light-Dappled Leaves

*Trigger Warning. Please proceed with your heart held close. When I was a little girl, maybe eight years old, I was chased from the swing set on our neighbourhood playground and tackled in the bushes by a fourteen year old boy. Troy was pretending he was in a trance, and [...]

By |September 19th, 2018|Uncategorized|1 Comment

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