Sex Ed

Introducing The Nightcap

At the beginning of September, I invited those of you who are following my Facebook Page to join me live, from my new apartment, for a nightcap to toast my new life. Your response kind of blew my mind. I feel encouraged to keep going with these live hangouts with [...]

By |September 17th, 2018|Advice, Grief and Heartbreak, My Diary|0 Comments

The Colour of My Eyes

I remember what it feels like to fall for someone. As they take up real estate previously occupied by mundane tasks, until even mundane tasks seem joyful. I imagine how they'll look at me when they first see me again, after a little while. How they'll idly touch me because [...]

By |September 7th, 2018|My Diary|0 Comments

This Broken Heart is Full

Yesterday I found a hawk feather on the sidewalk on St. Paul Street. Despite the gusts of wind, the feather lay in wait. I decided it was waiting for me. Five months officially in this new life. I'm about to move into my tiny new home, and make a go [...]

By |August 30th, 2018|Grief and Heartbreak|0 Comments

Everything I Need

I took my children into the wilderness, and we left knowing that we are campers for life. I'd never tent camped before, but this trip was the only sure thing about the last ten months. I needed to show them, and myself, how capable we are. How we could tackle [...]

By |August 27th, 2018|Grief and Heartbreak, My Diary|0 Comments

Let Me Go

Guess who is about to embark on four days of tent camping in Algonquin Park, with the company of her amazing children? I'm ending this insane summer on the perfect note, because I am most myself under a canopy of trees. Here's a little something I banged out this afternoon [...]

By |August 20th, 2018|Grief and Heartbreak|0 Comments

You Don’t Need Me

You don't need me to tell you what loneliness feels like, How the yawning silent void can sound like the loudest roar, Or how the vast expanse of solitude can be crushing. You don't need me to show you how it hurts to watch yourself grow irrelevant to the one [...]

By |August 10th, 2018|Find Your Passion, My Diary|1 Comment

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