Sex Ed

The World Isn’t Hard for Beautiful People

I have a weekly date on Periscope with my brother. We are live every Wednesday at 9 pm, EST and we answer dating, relationship and sex ed questions. I happen to think it’s a lot of fun, and I’ve been honored to speak to a lot of really interesting personal matters via this format. We get most of our questions via because it’s easy to post anonymously there. Last night, I woke up to this question, which isn’t in fact a question at all,  and I knew it was going to end up becoming a blog post: When I encounter women such as yourself, who are beautiful and appear to have it all together, I go deaf. It’s difficult to hear you because I assume you have no idea how hard this world is as a less than beautiful person. I know I am kind and smart, yadda yadda. Beauty is skin deep. I am sexist! […]

By |January 20th, 2016|Advice|0 Comments

A Book About Masturbation Every Woman Needs

One of the great perks about building a life around passion is getting my hands on a variety of tools to help normal people just like you and I live more passionate lives. When I learned that the owner of my favorite sex-positive boutique in Toronto had published her first book, and that it was about masturbation, I was very excited to get my hands on it, so to speak. Sex Yourself is such a great title, isn’t it? A call to action like that leaves little room for excuses, and it’s the kind of passionate fun anyone of us can enjoy, whether or not we’re partnered up. If you’ve never read a book about masturbation, this is an amazing start. If you love sex manuals and sex education material as much as I do, you’re going to need to add Sex Yourself, by Carlyle Jansen (Quiver Books) to your permanent collection. Read on, and I’ll tell you why. […]

By |January 14th, 2016|Sexy Stuff|2 Comments

Five Myths About Passion

This morning I woke to our first significant snow fall, and everything was covered in a pristine white blanket. It all looked so fresh, and new, and pure. It made me think of fresh beginnings, clean slates, and all of that delicious renewal stuff that’s so important for us. If you’re reading this, maybe you’d like to try some new adventures this year. Maybe there are things you are secretly longing to explore, or activities you wish you had more time for. We all have a trove of quiet passion hidden deep inside. Today, let’s look at some of the common reasons we continue to lock these treasures away. Here are five myths about passion, and why you shouldn’t be fooled. […]

By |January 12th, 2016|Find Your Passion|0 Comments

Ten Things Women Wish Men Knew About Sex

Today’s post is an excerpt from my upcoming book Keeping It Up: A Guy’s Guide to Great Relationship Sex.  Most women have no problem talking about what’s on their minds when it comes to sex. It just takes the right person to ask the questions, and the lid to Pandora’s box slides right off. After interviewing hundreds of readers, here are ten things women wish men knew about sex. […]

By |January 7th, 2016|Sexy Stuff|0 Comments

It’s A Whole New Year

Okay 2016, I’m ready to get started. You look as clean and fresh as the snowfall I was delighted to wake up to this morning. I have some big plans for you, I’m not afraid to say it. This is going to be the year where my focus pays off, and everyone I hold nearest and dearest will reap the benefits. I’m trying to stay open to exactly what those benefits will be, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have a few specific ideas about what I’d like to see. […]

By |January 5th, 2016|My Diary|0 Comments

A New Year’s Intentions Coloring Journal

I love the clean slate of a brand-spanking New Year. Yes I make resolutions. Yes I set goals. Yes, I am currently devouring Danielle LaPorte’s The Desire Map and planning to illuminate all of the feelings I wish to own  in 2016. There is  no greater ritual than starting fresh, and no greater time to emerge with a renewed sense of self than at the start of the New Year. I’m still enjoying the haze of holiday time with my family, but I wanted to make a little gift for you in case you also love the idea of setting some New Year’s Intentions. […]

By |December 31st, 2015|Everyday Rituals|0 Comments

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