Chrysalis, Day Fourteen
Two weeks in this strange space where life has come to feel like a bad dream. Some things just simply won't be possible, and living in a pressure cooker is one of those things. I cannot take care of everyone anymore, and I no longer intend to exhaust myself trying. [...]
Chrysalis, Day Nine
I remain at home, which is at once familiar and strange. Would that I could share the intricacies of my unique situation here with you all, but I simply cannot be so candid. Let us say that we are in transition, and I have no idea what any of this [...]
Chrysalis, Day Five
I didn't sleep very much last night. When I did, I had an intensely vivid dream. I was laying on a slab in a very dimly lit room. My blood was being transfused, fresh blood pumping through me by a machine. Several of my friends (work friends mostly) gathered around [...]
Chrysalis, Day Four (Evening)
I believe that the feeling I had earlier taken for hope was in fact something akin to the calm before the storm. I am so, so sad because this place we are moving through is so strange and scary, and there is so much pain. I wish I could peel [...]
Chrysalis Day Four
I'm seated at the large communal table at the biggest Starbucks I've ever seen. Today I shall challenge them and see how long I can linger here before they ask me to leave. My theory is that as long as I keep a cup beside me, they will not notice [...]
Chrysalis, Day Three
Being sick and homeless sucks. Beyond that, I'm doing okay. I'm back in the city, in a comfortable guest room at my friends' home. They also have a dog, so my creature comforts are covered here. I saw my family last night. It was bittersweet. There's the usual happiness and [...]