I Am Half Sick of Shadows
From the land of Wiki: Dave Van Ronk, an early supporter and teacher of Dylan, had the following criticism to make of the song All Along The Watchtower: That whole artistic mystique is one of the great traps of this business, because down that road lies unintelligibility. Dylan has a [...]
The Time Has Come, The Walrus Said
On Thursday morning, I woke up on my own. I woke before the alarm, and I woke without Toulouse, and his morning routine of running his paw through my hair and nibbling on my nose to wake me. I lay still in bed, afraid to look for him because I [...]
I Loved You Like a Strip Mall
And this should never be confused with a really TALL building, or the earth, or the sky. It was just a little taste, for now. Still it was sweet, and that sweetness lingers. It has me scorning my schedule, deleting appointments, keeping my weekends open, and prying my [...]
Made of Swiss Cheese, Lookin’ Down at the World
"You're likely the most courageous woman I know. You're always willing to put your heart out there for the big reward even though it's taken a hell of a beating in the past. I believe, and I am not blowing sunshine up your skirt, that you're more likely to get [...]
Jam Jar Lanterns
My girlfriend and I are stoned. We’ve left the dinner table, her lovely husband, and lovely babies behind, and we are headed to a house party at my musician friend’s. I’m leading her through the narrow alleyway to the backyard where soft strains of music trail through the night. She [...]
Best Get Out the Royal Chinette, Ma.
"You are a gorgeous girl, who is smart and funny and has an ass that makes me think talking to you naked is a bad idea." - David, friend of several years and former protégé, typed in an IM via Facebook There are two schools of thought: 1.) [...]