Someone suggested I might take time from my busy schedule to add a new post, as the last one might be misconstrued out of context. Though I thumb my nose at the idea that anyone would ACTUALLY think I’m a racist, I do think it’s time for some new fodder, but I’m under the gun today, again. I will leave you this. Now that the fortress of solitude is mostly unpacked, and life is beautifully starting to settle, the attached video, which I found on my friend’s Facebook page, really sums up my head-space. Sometimes we make things incredibly hard,…
But wouldn’t it be so much sweeter with someone warm and soft beside me, limbs all tangled up with mine, and their sweet hot breath in my ear? I don’t know how I’m still holding up my head right now because I’m woefully sleep-deprived, but I am absolutely thrilled to see that the renovations are almost at an end, and soon I will be all unpacked and set up in this place. That means that I can entertain guests in the fortress. I can have visitors, and dinner parties, and sleep-overs if I want. I can spend quiet evenings on…
(A post that should have been posted 1 hour and 38 minutes ago)Set yourself targets that are a little bit higher and a little bit harder to reach than you are used to. Effort and enjoyment are closely connected. Don’t sit around waiting for someone to give to you what you are capable of getting for yourself.This could also read:A dear, new friend will save you from the after-effects of an awkward and rather depressing encounter with her gorgeous brother in tow, and the three of you will enjoy a saucy new patio in a burgeoning section of the GTA…
Holy crap. Sorry for that last one.I woke up to my dog’s cold wet nose in my ear and a fly tickling my left shoulder. I blinked twice, had an urgent craving for a glass of water, followed by the spins, and suddenly remembered my last entry. In true drunk ‘n dial fashion, I hoped it was a dream, but nope. It’s there for the world to see.Last night wasn’t as bad as it sounded, actually. It’s just that tequila seems to lead to unnecessary tears and puddles of self-pity right now. In fact, I had a lovely dinner date…
This is the cyber equivalent of a drunk n dial.I am so ready for sleeping, but think it’s important to point out that I’m afraid that there’s not a man alive who truly understands me, and that my best bets for motherhood right now involve artificial insemination and a lesbian partner named “jo”. Those of you who pretended to be on the same page because it felt good at the time should loose my number. Not even my best friends know what to do for me right now. Bon Nuit Toronto…..