Sex Ed

They Even Have a Sandbox

So today was a pretty exciting day for the Noodle (my nick name for my three-and-a-half year old son) and I. He had been looking forward to this day for months, in a way that surprised me - I didn't know a kid that age could track time this way. [...]

By |May 31st, 2016|My Diary, Parenting|2 Comments

Tasting My Own Medicine

You know how I'm always saying how important our passions are, and how we all deserve to make more time for them in our lives? Well, I've kind of been a jerk about this in my own world. It's a kind of 'do as I say' situation around here right [...]

By |May 30th, 2016|My Diary|0 Comments

How To Start Loving What You See In The Mirror

Oh, my heart. Today's post is a beautiful and raw look at body image from our incredibly radiant holistic nutritionist Jackie McCaffrey. What's more, Jackie includes another gift at the end of this post with her FREE e-book of her latest gluten free, vegan mason jar recipes! Read on as [...]

By |April 26th, 2016|Health and Fitness|0 Comments

Sometimes Bad Things Are Good

Exactly one week ago, I thought my world had collapsed. I made a discovery that blew the roof off the mausoleum where I thought I had laid my trust issues to rest. There they were, alive and well, dancing before me and taunting me with the prospect that I would [...]

By |April 18th, 2016|My Diary|0 Comments


Hey lovers! I’ve been dreaming of a series of posts that feature real people, just like you and me, who are following their own passions. As this idea was forming in my over-worked brain, a gorgeous opportunity just landed in my lap, by way of a dear friend and an incredible creative force, Melissa Major. M turned me on to Jennifer Neales, who is hard at work collaborating with a posse of women (or womyn, as she prefers) to create a unique piece of theater that will hit the stage in Toronto on April 22nd. #HERstoryCounts is a series of monologues, autobiographical in nature, crafted and performed by a fierce and diverse collective of female performers. One look at their Indigogo campaign and I quickly realized I had stumbled into the gorgeous, switched-on, inspiring and empowering antidote to all of the soul-crushing lady-hate the Internet has been spewing at me of late. I’m happy to have Jennifer featured here in a guest interview, to talk about this remarkable piece, and the incredible creatrixes responsible for birthing it. […]

By |April 6th, 2016|Inspiring Stories|0 Comments

Five Simple Rituals to Celebrate Spring

Ahhh…Spring is in the air, can you feel it? I can’t wait to celebrate the Equinox and open my heart and my soul to the new possibilities and the fresh start that Spring has to offer. I’m more than ready for warmer days, gentle rains, and the arrival of buds and blossoms everywhere I turn. In honor of the Vernal Equinox, here are five simple rituals to celebrate Spring. […]

By |March 20th, 2016|Everyday Rituals|0 Comments

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