Sex Ed

A Winter White Holiday Mantel

Hello lovelies! Around here, we’re thick in the throes of some serious merry-making. The kids are thrilled to be finished school, and we’re about to get down into some epic gift creating and sugar-free holiday baking. Despite my busy schedule, I’d never want to leave you out in the cold, so today we have a post from a brand new Elite Club Member, Dana Ruprecht. Dana is an interior designer who is building the most beautiful blog and design business over at Hearth and Gable. With our Winter Solstice Celebrations in mind for tomorrow, I’m thrilled to be able to share her Winter White Holiday Mantel, to inspire and delight those of you who are passionate about design, and help all of us create more light and warmth in our homes during the winter darkness. […]

By |December 24th, 2015|Beautiful Things|0 Comments

Top Tips for Natural Immune Boosting

Today’s post is by my favorite health and wellness elf, Jackie McCaffrey. I asked her to write about natural immune boosting, because this seems to be the time of year when we’re most vulnerable to illness. If you’ve been battling the cold or flu season, and you feel like you’re at the losing end, read on and make sure you take note of theĀ Free gift included in this post! […]

By |December 17th, 2015|Health and Fitness|3 Comments

10 Easy DIY Gift Ideas

Around here, our holiday shopping and gift planning have taken a back seat to the production of Peter Pan that my eldest daughter is in. This means any gifts we are giving will have to be procured next week, when no sane person wants to be caught dead in any store. This year, we’re keeping the holidays as simple as we can, so I’ll likely be pulling inspiration from this list of free gift ideas, but in case I decide to get crafty with the kids while they are off school, here are some easy DIY gift ideas that little hands can help with. […]

By |December 15th, 2015|Beautiful Things|0 Comments

20 Sugar-Free Holiday Treats

You’re right, this isn’t a food blog. However, I believe that our ability to live a truly passionate life depends on our overall wellness, and in the interest of healthy living my family kicked sugar to the curb. All sugar, not just processed sugar. You can imagine how challenging it is to approach these food-centered holidays with three young kids while trying to maintain our lifestyle. Thank the gods for the Internet. Today I wanted to treat you to a festive sampling of how delicious a sugar free life can be. Please enjoy this collection of my favorite sugar free treats for the holidays. […]

By |December 10th, 2015|Health and Fitness|3 Comments

10 (Almost) Free Holiday Gifts

I love giving gifts. In fact, I love everything about gifting, from choosing something that’s just right for the recipient to coordinating the perfect gift wrap and a card that says exactly what I want it to say. You can imagine that Christmas must be an incredible time for me, and in the past, it has absolutely been an excuse to go overboard. This year, I really want to approach the holidays with absolute mindfulness; no over-spending, no over-indulging. I want to focus on the things that really matter. That’s why this year, we’re giving our loved ones (almost) free holiday gifts. […]

By |December 8th, 2015|Beautiful Things|10 Comments

3 Ways to Enjoy Healthy Holidays

Today’s post is another guest post from our awesome Fitness expert Oonagh Duncan. So many of us fall into the trap of excessive holiday celebrations, but if we are mindful and we make conscious choices about how we share in the festivities, we can actually enjoy healthy holidays. Read on for three easy ways to make healthier holiday choices. […]

By |December 7th, 2015|Health and Fitness|0 Comments

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